New animation in the works

Posted by Clicksy | Posted in Wiggle Animations | Posted on 23-02-2011

I’ve ranted a lot in these last few months about having a hard time working on these.  Turns out, I’m allergic to a medicine I’ve been taking during that time.  I knew it was making me spacey and I was having a hard time concentrating, but eventually more obvious signs turned up.  Now I’m back in business.  I’ve been working on a new one for about a week and hope to get it up in the next week.  I’m pacing myself, and for this one the movement will be much more drastic… if I can pull it off.

I’ve talked about taking suggestions and posting my progress on these animations.  Anyone want a sneak preview?  Comment and I’ll post progress on this one.  But if there’s no interest, it’s not worth the trouble.  I could always use the input and critique.


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