Life after death, life after life

August 9, 2012 in Oddities


Everybody has different beliefs about what happens when we die.  Here are some interesting videos and links from people who claim to have had near death experiences (NDEs) and children who remember ‘past lives’:

Some surprising people have reported having NDEs - Jane Seymour, Liz Taylor, and even Gary Busey. Read about their experiences here.

I recently had a facebook friend post about the book described in the link above called, “Heaven is REAL.”  It was written by an 11 year old boy after a NDE.   She loved it.  I think I might check and see if I can find the e-book.


Here are a few more experiences from



This one says it was ‘banned’ by Fox, but I think I saw a link to an ABC news story on this little boy’s ‘past life’ story:


Here’s the story of a little Scottish boy who knows many details from a place he shouldn’t know anything about: