Oddities - Strange rumbling sound phenomenon

March 22, 2012 in Oddities

I’ve written a lot over the years about oddities, and I always wanted to start a category for them here.  Mysteries are fascinating, and solving them is even more fun.  Since my brain doesn’t want to write about anything too deep right now, I thought it would be a good time to start some strangeness here.

Digging through the news this morning, I came across another weird noise story (read it here).  It caught my eye because over the last year I seem to keep finding them.  This time it’s in Wisconsin.  People are freaking out and leaving town.  In this case, it seems to come from the ground along with a vibration. Because the video on the story didn’t work, I did a YouTube search and found a story from a couple of days ago - apparently the beginning of the most recent rumblings (video below).  I was surprised at the quantity of recent weird noise videos.

Something that always annoys me is the stupid explanations that people come up with…  Most people know what planes and thunder sound like.  Thunder isn’t a hum that lasts over an hour and stops abruptly.  Planes don’t normally shake the ground for 30 minutes.  They might as well just tell us a dinosaur roared thousands of years ago and the noise refracted off of Venus.  There are plenty of stupid people out there, but only in unusual circumstances do hundreds of people call the police in a panic and flee their homes.

Then there’s the opposite end of the spectrum… it must be hell opening up or the Mayan apocalypse of 2012.

These strange noises are being reported in the English countryside, the valleys of Southern France, and even a baseball game in Tampa FL.  Sometimes it’s a booming, sometimes a hum, sometimes it seems to come from the sky, sometimes from the ground.  One family claimed the vibration knocked down their old barn.  There are hundreds of videos and very few logical explanations.

I tend to lean towards science, but am also very aware that as far as science goes, we don’t know much yet.  The most rational opinion seems to be that there is something strange but natural going on underground.  Possibly these noises are earthquake related, maybe very slight shifts that are somehow generating the strange rumblings and booms. The differences I’ve found on the videos leads me to believe that there are likely multiple causes, but so far that’s all I can come up with.

Are we noticing this more now that our population is so widespread?  Could it all be from secret military projects, stealth planes, and drilling?  Could it be related to “the hum”?…  A strange phenomena that only some people can hear, typically located around a specific geographical area (ie. the taos hum).  Read about the hum on wiki here.   Some people can’t escape the hum, it follows them when they move thousands of miles away… or is it just their ears?

Maybe someday we’ll know.  For now, here are some videos I mentioned above - be sure to check out the suggestions down the right column in YouTube for lots more.

March 19, 2012 - News story on the Wisconsin rumblings:

A comprehensive chronological compilation of the strange sounds phenom: