My midnight fright

August 26, 2012 in My blog

Sometimes I think God has a way of reassuring us in unusual ways.

I’ve had a lot of anxiety about doing things like driving - worrying that as slow as I move lately, I wouldn’t be able to react fast enough. Tonight my appetite wasn’t good but I thought I could choke down a burger. Even though he wasn’t hungry, my wonderful hubby drove me to the Wendy’s for a late night munch. Read the rest of this entry →

Link: Top 25 Most Ancient Historical Photographs

August 16, 2012 in Oddities, Still photographs

Starting with the earliest known photographs, moving on to the first high speed photographs and other historically interesting images… a must read for history and photography enthusiasts. Click here.

Old video: 1906 San Francisco Earthquake & Fire

August 14, 2012 in Everything else, Oddities, Pics

Just found this amazing old video of the San Francisco Earthquake and fire aftermath.  The quality is fantastic considering it’s age.  Just about as amazing as the complete destruction, are the people, their clothing, kids running around in front of the cameras, the old horse buggies and trollies.  About half way through it shows footage of the fires still burning and the demolition of Read the rest of this entry →

LoC: Random interesting photos

August 11, 2012 in Oddities, Still photographs

Click the photos to see the large version.  Be warned, some may be disturbing to young children and easily grossed out adults.  Enjoy!

Please note, some adjustments have been applied for your viewing pleasure…

"Collie's special delivery" - Dog posed on toy wagon loaded with Uneeda biscuit cartons.

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1898 In the Rogue's Gallery - A cat is posed seated on a chair in front of another cat operating a camera.

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View of Oldreive's new tricycle; the New Iron Horse, with a lady inside

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Mummies in Guanajuato, Mexico

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Finger nails which are never cut of Dr. Ding, a teacher in Foochow, China.

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Man with device designed for flying

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1914 Playtime - Two cats, dressed as humans, holding rope, which doll appears to be skipping.

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Man posed as if on duty behind wheel of ship.

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Antietam, Maryland (vicinity). Maj. Allan Pinkerton, Secret Service Department and friends

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A Very serious case -Girl holding smaller girl with bandage on her head, with small boy wearing top hat and holding walking stick and bag playing doctor.

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Miss Rose Cade--Queen of the Lemons - Rose Cade, who has also been nominated Southern California's "Swat the Jinx" girl, dressed in model of large lemon pointing to calendar dated Friday, February 13, 1920.

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1900 - Caught in the act - Man dressed as Santa Claus seated on model of chimney smoking long pipe and blowing circles of smoke.

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More to come very soon!

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Life after death, life after life

August 9, 2012 in Oddities


Everybody has different beliefs about what happens when we die.  Here are some interesting videos and links from people who claim to have had near death experiences (NDEs) and children who remember ‘past lives’:

Some surprising people have reported having NDEs - Jane Seymour, Liz Taylor, and even Gary Busey. Read about their experiences here.

I recently had a facebook friend post about the book described in the link above called, “Heaven is REAL.”  It was written by an 11 year old boy after a NDE.   She loved it.  I think I Read the rest of this entry →

The mental problems that aren’t

August 9, 2012 in My blog

More and more people are being diagnosed with mental problems these days - whether it’s ADHD, Asperger’s, Bipolar one of the others I’ve never heard of.  In some instances, these are serious issues that need to be treated with medications.  In others, treatment is being administered but is seemingly unnecessary.  Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of stories online about parents of children that can’t sit still in class.  These parents are being advised by teachers and principals to medicate them.  Instead, perhaps we should consider changes in the classroom to accommodate children who don’t do well in the traditional class.  After all, these students seem to be quickly becoming the majority. Read the rest of this entry →


August 4, 2012 in Links

Here’s some fantastic restorations from  The work on this site is simply amazing.  I’m linking the ‘compare’ section, truly some of the finest restoration work I have ever seen on these old stereos.  Be sure to take a look around elsewhere!

Civil War in 3D


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